i know that girl videos

i know that girl videos

She notified Dr Drew: ‘I’m human… of course these things are going to hurt… (but) I’m not going to let those things define me.’

finally overlook Velasquez appreciated the persons issuing the hurtful remarks online were just cowards hiding behind a computer computer display.

i know that girl videos |  At the end of the day, these are just words,’ overlook Velasquez notified Dr Drew. ‘If they are so pleased, then they should display their face.’

When asked how she agreements with being constantly gazed at in the road Miss Velasquez said: ‘I’m beginning to desire to proceed up to these persons and introduce myself or give them my card and state, “Hi, I’m Lizzie – maybe you should stop staring and start learning”.’

i know that girl videos | overlook Velasquez furthermore disclosed she does not have any yearn to look like a beautiful celebrity.

She said: ‘I seem I’m actually glad I don’t look like the celebrities out there who are beautiful, because there are a lot of stereotypes adhered to that.

‘People think “she’s so pretty, she must be actually dumb”. Since I don’t gaze like that it’s better because persons can get to understand the genuine me.’

i know that girl videos | overlook Velasquez was born four weeks prematurely weighing just 2lb 10oz. medical practitioners discovered there was negligible amniotic fluid protecting her in the womb.

i know that girl videos | ‘They told us they had no idea how she could have survived,’ overlook Velasquez’s mother Rita, 45, a church receptionist, said.